Spot Prawns (Or A true West coast Treasure)

We spent the weekend at our place on the canal and our friends Craig & Jodi were nice enough to invite us to join them on their (and our) first excursion for the elusive Hood Canal Spot Prawn.

These delicious morsels are actually shrimp but they are pretty good sized so commonly referred to as prawns. You catch them in traps similar to crab traps but with smaller openings.
The shrimp run up and down in a row like ants on the bottom and are deeper then crabs at 200+ feet depth. Craig- you are a smart man to have invested in the pot puller- 400 feet is a lot of rope to pull by hand!

The bait seems to be the key—mostly stinky cat food but I now understand each boats bait recipe is “secretive” so I can’t tell you or I would have to kill you.

1 Response to "Spot Prawns (Or A true West coast Treasure)"

  1. Jill says:
    May 16, 2012 at 9:30 AM

    Suez, these spot prawns don't need any cleaning other then pulling the head off--grasp the base of the head in one hand and the begining of the body in the other; twist and pull head away. After cooking grab the legs between thumb and index finger and pull curling around the shrimp body to detach the shell. I will demo "standard" prawn cleaning soon which includes removal of the intestinal vein. As far as cocktail sauce I just throw it together so I guess I better document that one too for a demo! Wine- boy did we drink wine-the favorite of the weekend was an Italian Sangiovese--it was terrific so I ned to go buy another bottle (darn) so I can share about it.

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