Home-Made Birdseed Suet (or How To Make Your Bushtits Swoon)

Home-Made Birdseed Suet (or How To Make Your Bushtits Swoon)

1 C lard (at the groc store near the shortening-but not shortening)
1 C peanut butter (get the all natural-no salt kind)
1 C Oats
1 C high quality birdseed (I splurge on the extra good stuff for the suet )
1 C cornmeal

(Lard comes in a 2 c size package if you want to double the recipe and make it all at one time)

Lard is soft at room temp, I mix it all up in the big mixer.
Line a 13x9 pan with plastic wrap

Spread mixture in the pan
Put in the freezer for a couple hours to harden

Cut into cakes to either put in a suet basket or on the base of a "house" feeder (I do both) You can store the cakes in a zip bag in the freezer. I also let a cake soften and smear onto a pinecone I have on a piece of twine.

The bushtits and chickadees can hang upside down and it’s fun to watch them on the pinecone.

1 Response to "Home-Made Birdseed Suet (or How To Make Your Bushtits Swoon)"

  1. reiderses says:
    March 18, 2012 at 3:11 PM

    I know a couple of people who will love this - I'll have to pass it on :)

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